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Cambiare Rotta – Organizzazione Giovanile Comunista
The mobilisation against the project to relaunch nuclear fission energy through the European ‘green’ taxonomy that we decided to promote on Sunday 22 May at the Caorso power plant was intended to send out a clear signal: in order to save the environment, we must break all ideological and material subalternity with those responsible for the ecological infarction we are already experiencing.
In the face of the brazenness with which the European Union and its member states continue to talk about ecological transition, while in fact they are moving in the opposite direction, the time has come to definitively abandon any illusion that these institutions can listen to and take up the demands of the thousands of young and very young people who in recent years have filled the streets making their voices heard in defence of the environment.
It is not from within the very system that is dragging us towards the abyss that a solution can come. On the contrary, we can concretely see how the processes set in motion on the energy front have as their only paradigms those of competition and profit, and it could not be otherwise for those who must guarantee the maintenance and reproduction of a model based on the systematic exploitation of man over man and man over nature.
As we have had the opportunity to explore with the publication of “Environment and capitalism: the impossible coexistence”, there is no sector of the bourgeoisie that has an interest in a real ecological transition, and therefore physiologically impossible for this to take place because it would mean questioning the founding dogmas of the entire capitalist mode of production, even before its various declinations.
There are no saints to appeal to, it is up to the young generation to take full responsibility for the fight for the environment, aware that in front of us we do not have an interlocutor, but an enemy. With a perspective that immediately indicates the urgency of the rupture, which, however, is not enough without a militant practice and the ability to build organisation and struggle in order to influence the political framework.
It will be necessary to continue organising in order to build the adequate strength to concretely oppose the current model of ecocidal and warmongering development, hence the European Union, the Draghi government and Minister Cingolani, who represent the current agents of the mortgage on our future.
In the various stages of the path that led us to the Caorso mobilisation this autumn – most recently the conference ‘An oxymoron is roaming Europe: it’s capitalist environmentalism’ – we had the opportunity to unmask the lies that pro-nuclear propaganda hides in order not to admit – often only to themselves – that they are willing to do anything to avoid having to accept the idea that the only way to fight injustice – environmental, social, etc. – is to radically question the dominant social relations.
The Caorso meeting strengthens us in our determination to continue building initiatives of struggle starting with the deadlines for the approval of the green taxonomy and beyond. We thank the different realities and movements that took part in the day. Against the environmental, energy and military crisis: Let’s pull the plug on this system!