Boycotting Israel and the Italian State’s servility to NATO and Zionism
[Comitato Angelo Baracca] One hundred people listening to more than twenty speeches from all regions participated on Sunday 28 January in the second National Assembly to Boycott Israel and Break the Complicity between Italy and the Zionist State. An assembly promoted by the Angelo Baracca Committee, which in the original programmes should have been distinctly operational, with the main objective of relaunching the boycott campaign after the three national mobilisations carried out in two months against Carrefour. But the events of the last few days have broadened the spectrum of the discussion, reserving space and political reflection for the most important events. Representatives of organisations of the Palestinian people and the rest of the world, workers and students, pacifist associations, movements and committees of purpose, radical left parties and individuals in solidarity animated the discussion for three hours of the morning.